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2018年 第三期目录

【字体大小】 [] [] []2018-07-23 10:31


04 中国伊斯兰教协会举行“四进”清真寺活动启动仪式/本刊记者

China Islamic Association Holds the Launing Ceremony of “National Flag, Constitution and Law Enter Mosque”Campaign

05 深深融入中华民族共有的精神家园/王作安

Blend into the Joint Spiritual Home of the Chinese Nation

07 坚持伊斯兰教中国化方向要行稳致远/杨发明

Stick to Chinization of Islam Firmly and Constantly

09 倡议书/中国伊斯兰教协会

A Proposal Initiated by China Islamic Association

经学Study of the Islamic Classics

11 信仰之中道(三)/安萨里著 马正峰译

The Moderation of Belief(III)

15 伊斯兰教认知观


Islamic Cognition: Similarities and Differences Compared with “Learning from Seeing and Hearing” and “Learning from Morals” in Chinese Tradition

17 《古兰经》人文思想初探/马占明

The Humanistic Thought in the Holy Quran


19 “一带一路”倡议的深度内涵及其世界意义/贾烈英

The Profound Connotations and Global Meanings of the Belt and Road Initiative

22 “一带一路”背景下践行开放包容的伊斯兰精神/陈静

Practice the Islamic Spirit of Openness and Inclusiveness in the Background of the Belt and Road



Thoughts of Resisting Extremism in Sharh al-'Aqa'id a1-Nasafiyyah

29 王岱舆著作与同时代伊斯兰汉文译著关系分析


The Relation of Wang Daiyu and the Translated Islamic Works in Chinese in His Time: with Reference to His Shengmi Zhenyuan and Guizhen Zongyi


35 全面呈现中国伊斯兰教的经验与智慧(上)

——牟钟鉴先生访谈/敏俊卿 帕林达

Display the Experience and Wisdom of Islam in China in an All-round Way: An Interview with Mr. Mou Zhongjian (I)

纪实·改革开放40周年Record of Events

40 古丝路上的回族村落——东、西莲花村/敏俊卿马利强

The Hui Villages on the Silk Road: The East and West Lianhua Villages


43 临夏市东关清真寺“圣纪”宗教仪式考察/马辉

A Survey on the Religious Rites in the Prophet Mohamed’s Birth and Death Anniversary Honored in Dongguan Mosque Linxia City


45 追忆爱国爱教的马良骥阿訇/李健彪

Memories of Ma Liangji: A Patriotic and Religious Imam

译介 Translations

48 公正的天平(八)/安萨里著 王伟译

A Fair Scale (VIII)

52 二十世纪的阿拉伯语哲学研究:有关阿拉伯语哲学的史学论文(上)

/德米特里·古塔斯(Dimitri Gutas) 著 熊至 译

The Study of Arabic Philosophy in the Twentieth Century: An Essay on the Historiography of Arabic Philosophy (I)

文苑 Literary Garden

59 麦草堆里的村庄(外一篇)/冶生福

A Village in the Wheat Stacks

64 炖壶熬茶(创作谈)/冶生福

Boiling Tea: On Writing

65 在晴空下注目人间烟火/苏涛

Gazing at the Life of Mortals under the Clear Sky

68 五月的味道/韩雪莉

The Taste of May

域外 Overseas Stories

71 塔里克·拉马丹的伊斯兰现代主义思想及其借鉴意义/邓苏宁

Tariq Ramadan’s Islamic Modernist Thought and Its Contemporary Meanings

悦读Book Review

74 伊斯兰文明与儒家文明的会通

——《天方性理》英文版序言/纳赛尔 著 王千怡 译

Solicitude in Convergence of Islamic Civilization and Confucian Civilization: Preface to the English Version of Liuzhi’s Tianfang Xingli

77 一方水土一“坊”人


A Community Shaped by the Land: An Anthropological View on The Record of the Xiaohecheng Mosque
