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2018年 第一期目录

【字体大小】 [] [] []2018-07-23 10:28

卷首语 Editor's Notes

04 新春寄语 /本刊编辑部

New Year message


06 建设中国特色伊斯兰教经学思想体系/王作安

Construct Ulum al-Qur'an Ideological System with Chinese Characteristics

10 用新时代精神引领穆斯林大众/张彦通

Guiding Muslims with the Spirit of the New Era

12 中国伊斯兰教教务指导委员会产生第四届委员会/本刊讯

The 4th China Islamic Affairs Steering Committee Founded

14 中国伊协召开十届二次常务理事会议/本刊讯

China Islamic Association Holds the 2nd Session of the 10th Standing Committee

15 中国伊协纪念《中国穆斯林》60华诞/本刊记者

China Islamic Association Marks the 60th Anniversary of China Muslim Journal

经学Study of the Islamic Classics

16 信仰之中道(一)/安萨里著 马正峰译

The Moderation of Belief

22 服务社会是信仰的一部分/莱买丹·布推长老著 金宏伟译

Serving Society Is a Part of Belief

25 做坚守中正的穆斯林/杨进波

Be a Muslim of Adhering to Fairness and Justice


27 “一带一路”视角下中阿文化交流/史廪霏

China-Arab Cultural Communication from the Perspective of the Belt & Road

30 “一带一路”视角下中阿经贸合作/刘欣路 许婷

China-Arab Trade Cooperation from the Perspective of the Belt & Road



The Hui Confucianism: the Right Path for the Localization of Islam in China (I)

39 民族认同、宗教认同、国家认同的互嵌和互惠

——从达浦生阿訇生平看伊斯兰教中国化/哈正利 杜鹏

Mutual Blending and Benefits of Ethnic Identity, Religious Identity and National Identity: The Localization of Islam in China from the Perspective of the Life of Imam Da Pusheng


43 中伊文化和谐交融的范例与经验/潘世杰

Good Examples and Experience of Harmonious Fusion of Chinese and Islamic Cultures

46 哈萨克族的临终关怀传统/严梦春

Hospice Care Traditions of the Kazakhs

钩沉 Memories

49 《渭城里大寺碑》记载的经学传系(下)/乌志鸿

Qur'anic Education Lineage Recorded in Weichengli Mosque Monument(II)


54 中国航母的第一个掌舵者(上)


Li Xiaoyan: the 1st Hui Captain of China's Aircraft Carrier "Liaoning"


61 全球视野里的中国伊斯兰教研究(下)

——金宜久研究员访谈/敏俊卿 帕林达

Islamic Studies in a Global Vision: An Interview with the Research Fellow Jin Yijiu (II)

译介 Translations

66 公正的天平(六)/安萨里著 王伟译

A Fair Scale (Ⅵ)

69 人类学伊斯兰研究再思考/马强 韩淑珍 编译

Rethinking on Anthropological Islamic Studies

文苑 Literary Garden

75 客栈/鲁米著 梁永安译

The Tavern

76 智慧来访/纪伯伦著 马建平译

A Visit from Wisdom

悦读Book Review

78 一部描写回民支队英勇抗战的新作/陈建明

A Great New Book Narrating the Heroic Deeds of the Hui Detachment in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression
