04 王作安:经学院新疆班学生要争做爱国爱教的优秀接班人/本刊记者
Wang Zuoan: Students of Xinjiang Class of the Islamic Institutes Should Be Excellent Successors of Loving the Country and Religion
05 清真寺建筑要体现宗教性、地域性和时代性的结合/本刊记者
Mosque: Integration of Religion, Region and Times
06 全国两赛:自觉做社会主义核心价值观的拥护者和践行者/本刊记者
Two National Competitions: To Be Conscientious Adherents and Keepers of the Core Socialist Values
08 关于伊斯兰教中国化的思考/卓新平
Reflections on the Chinization of Islam
经学Study of the Islamic Classic
12 斋戒:穆斯林防贪欲的利器/从恩霖
Fast: Weapon for Muslims to Resist Lusts
15 国富民强:穆斯林积极追求的梦想/马光月
Prosperous Country and Powerful People: A Dream the Muslims Are Pursuing Actively
17 伊本·凯西尔及其《古兰经注》/孔德军
Ibn Kathir and His Tafsir
专题Special Subject
20 明清内地伊斯兰教经堂教育话语体系的历史意义
Historical Significance of the Discourse System in the Mainland Mosque Education during the Ming and Qing Dynasties: with Biographies and Lineage of Islamic Scripture Scholars as the Starting Point
23 马注《清真指南》中的儒学思想/黑金福
Confucianism Thought in Ma Zhu’s A Guidance to Islam
26 新时期中国对阿拉伯国家的民间外交:使命与挑战/刘欣路
Mission and Challenge: China’s People-to-People Diplomacy with Arab Countries in the New Era
30 “一带一路”视阈下多元文明交往的思考/冯蜀冀 何习尧 孔彬
Reflections on Diverse Civilization Communication from the Perspective of the Belt and Road
33 自媒体时代回族穆斯林电影的“微”表达/金明
Micro Expression of Muslim Movies in We Media Era
36 伊斯兰教坚持中国化方向的思考/赵艳玲
Reflections on Islam’s Direction of Chinization
钩沉 Memories
38 白寿彝代理《月华》主编考/马景 思吾丽·卡那哈提
Research on Bai Shouyi’s Temporary Acting for the Editor-in-chief of The Moonlight
43 哈德成阿訇生平述略(上)/郭成美
Brief Account of the Life of Imam Ha Decheng (I)
47 青年马坚学术理路述论/撒海涛 何壹辰
Review of Ma Jian’s Academic Research in His Youth
50 嘉言善行李嘉存/敏俊卿韩雪莉 吴淑梅
Li Jiacun: Fine Words and Deeds
53 心性会通是回儒之间的根本会通——季芳桐教授访谈/薛 莉
Communication of Heart and Spirit is the Fundamental Communication between the Hui Confucian Scholars: An Interview with Professor Ji Fangtong
58 清苦自己温暖社会的回族老人/南述
A Hui Old Man: Living a Poor life but Warming the Society
文苑 Literary Garden
60 盛世阗阗(外三首)/李纯博
A flourishing and everlasting age
61 梦/纪伯伦 著 马建平译
译介 Translations
62 幸福的炼金术 /安萨里著 马正峰译
Alchemy of Happiness
66 公正的天平(二) /安萨里著 王伟译
A Fair Scale (II)
69 伊斯兰研究与各宗教历史(下)/[瑞士]雅克·瓦尔登伯格著 马丹译
Islamic Studies and History of Religions (II)
域外 Overseas Stories
74 穆斯林政治家阿联酋开国总统扎耶德/叶良英
Zayed: A Muslim Politician and UAE’s Founding President
悦读Please read the
78 一部厚实生动的阿訇传记——简评《达浦生评传》/牧建婷
A Rich and Vivid Biography of an Imam: Review of The Critical Biography of Da Pusheng