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2018年 第二期

【字体大小】 [] [] []2018-07-23 10:29


04 汪洋走访在京全国性宗教团体/新华社

Wang Yang Visits National Religious Organizations in Beijing

05 扎根中华文化沃土 坚持我国伊斯兰教中国化方向/杨发明

Rooting in Chinese Cultural Soil and Persisting in Sinicization

of Islam in China

07 新使命:穆斯林代表委员的全国两会声音/本刊记者 敏俊卿 马丹 董塞漠

The New Mission:Muslim Members’ Voice in the NPC and CPPCC Sessions

经学Study of the Islamic Classics

09 信仰之中道(二)/安萨里著 马正峰译

The Moderation of Belief(II)

18 做弘扬友善美德的穆斯林/魏尚举

Being A Muslim Enhancing the Virtue of Amicability


21 我国伊斯兰教界如何学习贯彻新修订《宗教事务条例》/马劲

How China’s Islamic Circle Studies and Carries out the Newly-revised Regulations on Religious Affairs

25 伊斯兰教界学习贯彻新修订《宗教事务条例》的思考/韩积善

Thinking on the Islamic Circle’s Studying and Carrying out the Newly-revised Regulations on Religious Affairs



The Hui Confucianism: A Right Path for the Sinicizatien of Islam (II)

32 我国伊斯兰教中国化的几点成功启示/孟金霞

Inspirations from the Success of Chinzation of Islam


34 伊斯兰研究要坚持以中国人文理念为指导


Islamic Studies Should Follow the Guidance of Chinese Humanistic Philosophy: An Interview with Professor Zhu Weilie


40 菱塘回族乡追求有温度的精准扶贫/朱根榴

Lingtang Hui Township Pursues a Targeted Poverty Alleviation with Care

钩沉 Memories

42 青海回教教育促进会及其历史作用/吕强 马 鑫

Qinghai Hui Education Promotion Society and Its Historical Role


46 中国航母的第一个掌舵者(下)


Li Xiaoyan (An Ethnic Hui): the 1st Captain of China’s Aircraft Carrier “Liaoning” (II)

译介 Translations

52 公正的天平(七)/安萨里著 王伟译

A Fair Scale (VII)

57 克利福德·格尔茨与伊斯兰/戴尔·F.埃克尔曼著王立秋译

Clifford Geertz and Islam


Literary Garden: Special Edition in Memory of Mr. Feng Fukuan

64 门楣上,一个金色的都阿(外一首)/冯福宽

A Golden Dua on the Lintel(Poems)

65 在大西北的土地上跋涉(创作谈)/冯福宽

Trudging Northwest China’s Land (On Literary Writing)

67 那只握了一辈子笔的大手


The Big Hand Holding Pen in His Lifetime: A Tearful Farewell to Mr. Feng Fukuan

悦读Book Review

71 心中的关怀——《在场的信仰》评介/马 豪

Solicitude in Mind: Review of The Faith of Presence


74 在时代的光影里铺满芬芳


Spreading Fragrance in the Sunlight and Shadow of the Times: Annual Review of China Muslim 2017
