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2017年 第二期

【字体大小】 [] [] []2017-04-17 01:57


04 倾听:伊斯兰教界代表委员的全国两会声音 /本刊记者

Listen to Voice of Islamic Delegates  at 2017 NPC and CPPCC Sessions

06 以博大胸怀善待宗教/牟钟鉴

 Treat Religion with a Broad Mind

07 伊斯兰教的中和思想及其时代价值/杨发明

Thought of Justice and Peace in Islam and Its Value in Present Time


经学Study  of  the Islamic Classic                                          

12 做爱国守法、中道包容、两世吉庆的穆斯林 /阿地里江·阿吉克力木

Being Patriotic, Law-biding and Forgiving Muslims Following the Middle Path and Pursuing Blessings of the Both Worlds

14 喜看群星灿烂  更盼团月普照

     ——对编纂《圣训大全》的渴望 /马贤

Eagerness for Compilation of A Complete Collection of Hadith


专题Special Subject                                                                                          

19 回族穆斯林姓名特点与中国化内涵 /从恩霖

Characteristics of Muslim Huis Names and Their Localized Connotations in China

22 阿拉伯书法艺术的中国化实践 /陈进惠  张广林

Localization of Arabic Calligraphic Art in China



25 尊重和理解伊斯兰文明 /高占福

Respecting and Understanding Islam

27 阿拉伯文化的分期和界定 /王根明

Historical Division and Definition of Arabic Culture



32 伊斯兰教经学院学生社会主义核心价值观培育初探/王桂芝

 Cultivation of Socialist Core Values among Students of Islamic Schools

35 推动清真寺管理规范的几点思考/韩积善

 Reflections on Enhancing Normative Mosque Management

38 北京市伊协教务工作创新发展实践探索/沙丽

 Innovative Development in Islamic Affairs Work by Beijing Islamic Association


钩沉 Memories                                                                              

41 追忆接朱素普·玛玛依来北京抢救《玛纳斯》的日子 /胡振华

Memories of Jusup Mamay Conserving the Epic of Manasin Beijing

46 我国伊斯兰教经堂教育的重要物证

    ——《仁轩马阿訇出学幛序》 /海俊亮

Important Evidence of Mosque Education in China: Preface to Record of Ma Renxuan's Graduation as an Imam

49 从天山走来的香妃 /马乾

Fragrant Imperial Concubine from Tianshan Mountains



52 散落民间的穆斯林志愿者 /辛云霞

Muslim Volunteers among Common Folks

55 阿拉伯商人新丝路的重要联结者 /敏俊卿 马利强

Arabic Merchants: Important Links of the New Silk Road


译介 Translations                                                                              

57 隐喻诠释的规则 /安萨里著  马正峰译

Rules of Interpreting Metaphors (II)

60 公正的天平(一) /安萨里著  王伟译

A Fair Scale (I)

63 伊斯兰研究与各宗教历史(上)/[瑞士]雅克·瓦尔登伯格著 马丹译

Islamic Studies and History of Religions


文苑 Literary Garden                                                                              

69 未完的句号 /李海钦

A Uncompleted Full Stop

72 译海拾贝 /马宝成 冯福江 马敏俄译

Pears in Translations


Memories of Mude Primary School

74 春天,我们启程 /郭宝光

Spring, Let’s Set out


域外 Overseas Stories                                                              

75 俄罗斯伊斯兰教与东正教的关系/唐 薇

Relationship of Islam and Orthodox in Russia



77 香港伊斯兰文化研究综述 /龚方

Review of  Islamic Culture Study in Hongkong
