04 卷首语 Editor’s Notes
新起点 新梦想 /本刊编辑部
New starting point New dream
05 “一带一路”建设需要中国穆斯林和伊斯兰教界的智慧 /李兴华
The “Belt and Road”Construction Needs Wisdom of Chinese Muslims
08 初心不改 矢志不渝——参加全国少数民族参观团纪实/薛元金 赵艳玲
Persisting in Original Intention: A Member’s Record of the National Ethnic Minority Visiting Group
专题Special Subject
10 云南学派与金陵学派 /姚继德 姚子雯
Yunnan School and Jinling School
15 马图里迪教义学中的“泰克维尼”属性及其中国化诠释 /王伟
Nature of Takwiny in al—Maturidiyyah Theology and Its Interpretation in Chinese Way
19 李安宅与回族、伊斯兰教研究 /苏杰
Li Anzhai and His Studies of the Hui and Islam
23 我国清真产业知识产权保护初探 /聂鑫
On China’s Halal Industry and Intellectual Property Protection
27 湖北省伊协以“三务”推进创新发展/赛大富
Hubei Province Islamic Association Promotes Innovative Development
经学Ulum al-Qur'an
29 穆斯林如何理解和履行天命? /从恩霖
How Muslims Understand and Practice Five Pillars in Islam
31 穆斯林要追求举意与行为的完美结合 /魏尚举
Muslims Should Pursue Perfect Match of Expressing Intentions with Actions
钩沉 Memories
33 忆父亲马金鹏为周总理当翻译 /马博忠
Memories of My Father Ma Jinpeng’s Interpreter Career for Premier Zhou Enlai
35 马道真经学世家初探 /马晓翠 马超
Research of Ma Daozhen and His Ulum al-Qur'an Saga
39 带着公公改嫁 /张静
Married Together with Father-in-law
41 追梦东莞的新疆穆斯林 /敏俊卿 马利强
Xinjiang muslims pursuing dreams in Dongguan
43 我心中的马松亭大阿訇 /张广林
The Grand Imam Ma Songting in My Memories
45 穆罕默德·阿萨德:伊斯兰文化在当代欧洲的传播者 /张米玮 马建福
Muhammad Assad: A Disseminator of Islamic Culture in Contemporary Europe
译介 Translations
49 隐喻诠释的规则(一) /安萨里著 马正峰译
Rules of Interpreting Metaphors (I)
52 中亚东干人文化变迁的三个阶段/张尔里著 李如东、张尔里译
Three Phases of Cultural Transformation of Central Asian Donggan People
54 荷兰的伊斯兰研究(下)/雅克·瓦尔登伯格著 王向珣译
Islamic Studies in Holland (II)
文苑 Literary Garden
59 被突围的苦难 /敏洮舟
Misery Broken Through
62 译海拾贝 /李海钦译
Pears in Translations
63 聪明的妻子让丈夫成为孝子 /马学军译
A Clever Wife Makes Her Husband a Dutiful Son
域外 Overseas Stories
64 高科技在朝觐服务中的应用/龚燕灵 于晓南
Application of Advanced Science and Technology in Hajj
69 多元文化背景下的瑞典穆斯林教育/方长明
Swedish Muslim Education under Multi-cultural Background
72 土耳其哈西德佩大学语言班的故事/李永花
A Story of Language Class in Hacettepe University of Turkey
74 文明对话 和谐共存——埃及基督教与伊斯兰教知名人士
代表团访华纪实 /马义辉
Harmonious Coexistence through Civilization Dialogue: Record of the Visit of Renowned Egyptian Christian and Islamic Clergymen Delegation to China