4 |
倡导中道思想 反对极端主义 |
——伊斯兰教中道思想国际研讨会倡议书 |
Advocate the Thought of Middle Way to Oppose Extremism: Proposal for International Symposium of the Thought of Islamic Middle Way |
本期特辑 |
5 |
伊斯兰教中道思想国际研讨会在新疆乌鲁木齐举行 |
本刊讯 |
Intentional Symposium on Islamic Middle Way Thought Held in Urumqi |
7 |
伊斯兰教经学思想研讨会在新疆喀什召开 |
本刊讯 |
Symposium on Thoughts of Ulum al-Quran Held in Kashgar Xinjiang |
本期特稿 |
9 |
正本清源 彰显正信 共同反对和防范极端主义 |
王作安 |
Distinguish the Original of the True Conviction to Oppose and Prevent Extremism |
11 |
携手弘扬中道思想,共同反对极端主义 |
陈广元 |
Enhance Middle Way Thought to Oppose Extremism Jointly |
13 |
倡导中道反对极端是我们的共同责任 |
蒋坚永 |
Promoting Middle Way to Oppose Extremism is Our Responsibility |
学术文化 |
15 |
当代我国伊斯兰经学教育的几点思考 |
郭承真 贾建萍 |
Considerations on Contemporary China’s Education of Ulum al-Quran |
19 |
《归真要道》中完人思想探析(上) |
黑志燕 |
Study of the Perfect Person Thought in The Thoroughfare of Returning to Allah(the 1st part) |
23 |
维吾尔族的临终关怀传统 |
严梦春 |
Traditions of Uyghur’s Hospice Care |
本期专题 |
26 |
长征时期党对西北回民上层人士的统战实践 |
王 峰 |
CCP’s United Front Policy for Northwest Upper-class Hui During the Resistance War against Japanese Invasion |
31 |
长征时期党对西北回民区民众的组织动员 |
王桂芝 |
CCP’s Organization and Mobilization of the Northwest Hui in the Long March |
交流探讨 |
35 |
我国伊斯兰教界开展法治宣传教育的主要内容及其途径 |
韩积善 |
Main Contents and Ways of Legal Education of China’s Islamic Circle |
38 |
新疆穆斯林学生在内地高校英语学习现状调查 |
冯蜀冀 穆海热姆•哈德尔 |
Survey of the Status Quo of Xinjiang Muslim Students Studying in Higher Institutions in Other Parts of China |
新卧尔兹 |
41 |
遵守国法与恪守教规并行不悖 |
米文刚 |
Obeying Laws Does not Run against Adhering to Religious Doctrines |
国际前沿 |
43 |
肩负社会责任 勇于自我批评 |
马义辉 |
——埃及伊斯兰事务最高理事会第26届国际会议纪实 |
Bearing Social Responsibility and Conducting Self-criticism: Record of the 26th International Conference of Egypt’s Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs |
生活广角 |
45 |
穆斯林商人与“一带一路”建设 |
马文兵 |
Muslim Merchants and Construction of One Belt One Road |
47 |
一个伊斯兰教团体对社区建设的启示 |
张欣 答嘉逸 |
Inspiration for Neighborhood Construction from An Islamic Group |
阿訇故事 |
50 |
河南襄城百岁阿訇李芳孝 |
海俊亮 |
100-year Old Imam Li Fangxiao from Xiangcheng Henan Province |
本期人物 |
51 |
追思中亚东干族文学奠基人雅斯尔•十娃子 |
胡振华 |
Memories of Yasir Shivaz the Founder of Central Asia’s Donggan Literature |
58 |
雅斯尔•十娃子 ——中亚东干族文化的奠基者 |
林涛 崔凤英 张梅梅 |
Yasir Shivaz: the Founder of Central Asia’s Donggan Literature |
域外传真 |
61 |
欧洲街头的穆斯林 |
盛红娟 |
Muslims on European Streets |
64 |
从《蓝象》看埃及社会人性的明与暗 |
李喜娟 |
The Light and Dark Sides of Human Nature of Egyptian Society: Seen from The Blue Elephant |
学术译介 |
67 |
德国学术中的伊斯兰研究(续) |
雅克•瓦登伯格著 王立秋译 |
Islamic Study in German Academic Research |
佳作评述 |
74 |
《艾布•哈尼法传》:一本有价值的传记 |
金宏伟 |
Life of Abu Hanifah: A Valuable Biography |
77 |
奋力拼搏 成果斐然 |
李华英 |
——为《中国伊斯兰建筑艺术》出版而作 |
Remarkable Achievements out of Great Efforts: Publishing of China’s Islamic Architectural Art |