|本刊特辑| |
4 |
中国伊斯兰教经学院庆祝建院60周年 |
本刊讯 |
China Islamic Institute Celebrates Its 60th Anniversary |
6 |
承担起培养伊斯兰教人才的重要使命和职责 |
王作安 |
Bear the Responsibility of Cultivating Islamic Elites |
8 |
爱国伊斯兰教人才培养的重要基地 |
陈广元 |
A Base for Cultivating Talents of Loving both Country and Religion |
|本期特稿| |
11 |
认真学习贯彻全国宗教工作会议精神 |
郭承真 |
开创中国伊斯兰教健康发展的新阶段 |
Study and Practice the Gist of the National Religious Work Conference to Start |
a New Era of Healthy Development of Islam in China |
|院庆专栏| |
14 |
弘扬正道,励志成才 |
高占福 |
Promoting Right Faith and Working Persistently to Be Elite |
17 |
中国伊斯兰教经学院的业绩与贡献 |
马云福 |
Accomplishments and Contributions of China Islamic Institute |
19 |
回顾中国经学院发展的两个阶段 |
杨宗山 |
Review ofTwo Stages in China Islamic Institute’s Development |
21 |
我的经学梦 |
从恩霖 |
My Dream of Studying Islam |
25 |
忆经学院首届毕业班 |
李华英 |
Memories of the 1stGraduating Class of China Islamic Institute |
28 |
充满激情和诗意的求知年代 |
张光耀 |
Studying in A Time Full of Passion and Poetry |
33 |
大绿包下的青春岁月 |
白 璋 |
Years of Youth in China Islamic Institute |
36 |
回忆经学院点滴生活 |
买买提明·买合木提 |
Reminiscence of China Islamic Institute |
37 |
六十载岁月如歌(组诗) |
马利强 |
Song-like 60 Years(Poems) |
|学术文化| |
39 |
本体与属性:正统教义学与苏非认主学的融合 |
——从马联元的《天方性理》阿拉伯文译本看 |
马正峰 |
Ontology and Attributes: Blending of Orthodox Kalam with Sufi Tawhid: Based on Ma Lianyuan’s Arabic Translation of Liu Zhi’s Philosophy of Islam |
43 |
云南回族人口分布现状及其特点分析 |
马晓帆 |
Analysis of Status Quo and Features of the Hui Population Distribution in |
Yunan Province |
|交流探讨| |
49 |
在伊斯兰教界深耕厚植社会主义核心价值观 |
韩积善 |
Establishing Core Values of Socialism in Islamic Circle |
52 |
伊斯兰教人士价值认同教育的实践与思考 |
杨志文 |
Practice and Reflections on Value Identification among Islamic People |
55 |
服务流动穆斯林的“东莞模式” |
马玉飞 |
Dongguan Model of Serving Migrant Muslims |
57 |
从清真寺的功能看阿訇的职能 |
田仲福 |
Imams’ Role Observed from Mosque Functions |
|新卧尔兹| |
59 |
伊斯兰的五功与道德行为 |
刘广乾 |
Five Prayers and Morality in Islam |
|生活广角| |
62 |
他们来自美丽的新疆 |
马利强 敏俊卿 |
They are from Beautiful Xinjiang |
65 |
阿拉伯几何纹饰 |
谢文璇 |
Arab Geometric Ornamentation |
67 |
陈忠实老师,“坊上人”还想再为您做一碗泡馍! |
盛志明 |
Mr. Chen Zhongshi, We People of the Hui Community Still Want to Make A Bowl of Lamb Soup Soaked Pita Bread for You |
69 |
转型时期东西部穆斯林社区变迁的特点 |
丁钰梅 |
Features of Muslim Community Changes in East and West China during the Transitional Era |
|本期人物| |
71 |
我记忆中的金吉堂先生 |
王梦扬 |
Mr. Jin Jitang in My Memories |
74 |
回忆我的父亲 |
金一榕 |
Memories of My Father |
76 |
金吉堂民族认同的构建与自觉表述的重释 |
撒海涛 |
Jin Jitang’s Construction of National Identity and Reinterpretation to Conscious Expression |