|本刊特辑| |
4 |
开展以“规范”为主题创建和谐清真寺活动的倡议书 |
Call for Establishing Harmonious Mosque Campaign with the Theme of Norm |
5 |
全国政协穆斯林委员共话两会 |
敏俊卿 阿布拉·欧麦尔 |
CPPCC Muslim Members Talk about Two Sessions |
|本期特稿| |
8 |
伊斯兰世界正义宣言:扬正道精神,促人类和平 |
高占福 |
Justice Declaration of Islamic World: To Promote the Essence of Islam for Peace |
12 |
伊斯兰教中国本土化的古老传统 |
马利强 敏俊卿 |
——《圣纪在中国》摄制活动纪实 |
Old Traditions Derived from the Localization of Islam in China: Review of |
Shooting the Prophet’s Birth and Death Anniversary Events in China |
|国际视野| |
15 |
穆斯林要用自己的言行彰显伊斯兰美德 |
本刊记者 |
——专访爱资哈尔大学最高宣教委员会秘书长穆罕默德·巴达利 |
Muslims Should Manifest Islamic Virtues through Words and Deeds: An |
interview with the Secretary General of Al-Azhar’s Supreme ClericalCommittee |
18 |
让宗教成为人类和平与和谐的源泉 |
阿地里江·阿吉克力木 马 杰 |
——摩洛哥“在伊斯兰国家,少数群体宗教权利”国际会议纪实 |
Let Religions Be Source of Peace and Harmony: Review of International |
Conference on the Rights of Religious Minorities in Islamic Lands Hosted by Morocco |
22 |
向世人展现伊斯兰教与穆斯林的真实形象 |
马义辉 |
——伊朗第29届伊斯兰团结国际会议纪实 |
Show People around the World True Image of Islam and Muslims: Review of |
the 29th International Islamic Unity Conference Held in Iran |
|学术文化| |
24 |
安萨里与伊斯兰教的正信 |
周燮藩 |
Ansari and Islamic Faith |
28 |
乡村维吾尔族哲玛提社会功能分析 |
司马义·热西提 |
——以吐鲁番市麦村为个案 |
Analysis on the Social Functions of the Rural Xinjiang Islamic Jamaat: |
in the Case of a Village in Turpan |
|研讨论坛| |
32 |
王静斋阿訇的传世译著 |
王根明 |
Imam Wang Jingzhai’s Classic Translations |
38 |
穆斯林饮食保健问题探讨 |
马成武 |
Muslim Diet and Health |
|新卧尔兹| |
42 |
爱国爱教 国家至上 |
——做明辨事理、两世吉庆的穆斯林 |
从恩霖 |
Loving both Country and Religion: Being a Sensible Muslim and Working |
for both Thislife and Afterlife |
46 |
学法守法 益济社会 |
敏生光 |
Studying and Abiding by the Law to Make Contributions to the Society |
|清真名寺| |
48 |
宁夏西吉硝河城清真大寺 |
高 旭 |
Xiaohecheng Mosque Xiji Ningxia |
|史海钩沉| |
50 |
抗战时期宁夏历史性的清真寺教长培训 |
海正忠 |
Historic Imam Training in Ningxia During the War of Resistance against |
Japanese Aggression Mongolian |
|本期人物| |
53 |
父亲陈克礼的译著人生 |
陈月华 |
Translating and Writing Career of My Father Chen Keli |
57 |
怀念纳家瑞大哥 |
马博忠 |
Memories of Elder Brother Na Jiarui |
59 |
贤人虽已去 长者风永存 |
马保全 |
Though Passed Away, the Sage Has Left His Senior Demeanor |
|经济纵横| |
61 |
回族商绅吴九如的故事 |
樊 莹 |
Stories of Wu Jiuru, a Hui Business Elite |
|生活广角| |
64 |
美丽的名片:张家川回乡风情园 |
马进祥 |
A Beautiful Visiting Card: The Hui-style Garden in Zhangjiachuan |
67 |
阿拉善左旗的蒙古族穆斯林 |
马良秀 |
Muslims in Alashan Left Banner |
|伊苑绿地| |
69 |
写上五庄 |
薛文波 |
Memories of Shangwu Village |
71 |
穆民心中的灯盏 |
马成宪 |
Lights in Muslims’ Hearts |
|新月世界| |
72 |
沙特文学家阿卜杜胡·哈勒及其文学创作 |
刘东宁 马立蓉 |
Saudi Writer Abduhk Hal and His Literary Career |
|译介评述| |
74 |
德国学术中的伊斯兰研究 |
雅克·瓦登伯格著 王立秋 译 |
The Islamic Studies in German Academic Researches |