本期要闻 |
4 |
中国伊斯兰教协会在京举行2015年古尔邦节招待会 |
/本刊讯 |
Islamic Association of China Holds 2015 Eid al-Adha Reception in Beijing |
5 |
纪念达浦生大阿訇归真50周年座谈会在南京隆重举行 |
/本刊讯 |
Symposium on the 50th Anniversary of Imam Da Pusheng’ s Death Held in Nanjing |
本刊特辑 |
6 |
爱国爱教的楷模 追求进步的典范 |
/国家宗教局副局长蒋坚永 |
Model of Loving the Country and Religion while Living a Positive Life |
8 |
深切的缅怀 光辉的榜样 |
/中国伊协副会长兼秘书长郭承真 |
Mournful Memory of A Glorious Example |
学术文化 |
10 |
马德新阿拉伯文《天方历源》考略 |
/马和斌 |
Survey of Ma Dexin’s Origin of Arabic Calendar |
13 |
清真在日常实践中的理解与面向 |
/马建福 |
Understanding “qingzhen” and its Usage in Daily Life |
研讨论坛 |
16 |
中国穆斯林为何大都遵循哈乃菲教法 |
/忽天倬 |
Why Chinese Muslims Mostly Follow Hanafi School |
19 |
依法治国与提振伊斯兰教正能量 |
/从恩霖 |
Ruling the Country by Law and Promoting Positive Impact of Islam |
学习交流 |
23 |
回民的老礼儿与圣训的传承 |
/海宝明 |
The Hui’s Traditional Etiquette and Inheritance of Hadith |
26 |
宁夏教职人员学历教育取得显著成就 |
/马义保 |
Remarkable Improvement in Academic Education of Ningxia’s Clerical Personnel |
经训教法 |
28 |
完美的小净 信仰的升华 |
/金存浩 |
Perfect Minor Ablution(Wudu) is Sublimation of Faith |
32 |
五时拜功及其意义 |
/高 旭 |
Five Daily Prayers and Their Significance |
新卧尔兹 |
34 |
在麦地那的朝觐参悟 |
/穆萨•马军 |
Meditation in Medina During Hajj |
纪念抗战 |
36 |
西道堂抗战爱国行动追记 |
/敏贤麟 |
Memories of the Xidaotang’s Actions in War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression |
39 |
民国《申报》中有关穆斯林与抗战的资料 |
/苏明强 张德明 选编 |
Literature of Muslim Deeds in War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression Published in Shanghai Newspaper Shenbao during the Republic of China |
43 |
马本斋:一个不朽的民族英灵 |
/王德凤 |
Ma Benzhai: An Immortal National Hero |
人物写真 |
46 |
爱国爱教:达浦生阿訇一生的追求 |
/高占福 |
Loving the Country and Religion: Imam Da Pusheng’s Life-long Pursuit |
50 |
女阿訇马素琴的“中阿兼通”之路 |
/马博忠 |
An Female Imam Ma Suqin’s Way of Mastering Arabic and Chinese Languages and Cultures |
史海钩沉 |
53 |
马良骏大阿訇《全美纪要》前言 /王伟 译 |
Imam Ma Liangjun’s Preface to His Summary of Performing Perfect Prayers |
55 |
六张民国照片还原南京一座中西合璧礼拜堂 |
/郑自海 |
6 Pictures Taken in the Republic of China Restoring a Chinese-Western Style Prayer Hall in Nanjing |
伊苑绿地 |
57 |
中国朝觐者的祖国情怀 |
/敏俊卿 |
Patriotism of Chinese Hajjis |
59 |
让朝觐精神唤醒人类手足之情 |
/Samar Fatny 著 马中平 译 |
Let Hajj Spirit Wake up Humanity’s Brotherhood |
生活广角 |
60 |
一把烧制有太思米的瓷茶壶 |
/杨华安 |
A Fired Porcelain Tea Pot with Taismy |
64 |
走进第七届中国回商大会 |
/贺泽松 李元坤 |
Approaching the 7th Hui Merchant Conference |
新月世界 |
67 |
台湾穆斯林的历史与清真寺 |
/周晶 |
History of Muslims and Mosques in Taiwan |
71 |
加拿大穆斯林移民的历史考察 |
/王建波 |
Research of History of Muslim Immigrants in Canada |
域外传真 |
75 |
英国的伊斯兰研究(下) |
/C.E.博斯沃思 著 马睿智 译 |
Study of Muslims in the U.K. |