本期要闻 |
4 |
中国伊协代表团访问罗马尼亚和保加利亚 |
/本刊讯 |
China Islamic Association Delegation Visits Romania and Bulgaria |
学术文化 |
5 |
王岱舆伊斯兰认主思想探析 |
/顾玉军 |
Probe into Wang Daiyu’s Thought on Allah |
9 |
明末清初汉译伊斯兰教典籍的语言学价值 |
/丁桃源 |
Linguistic Value of Chinese Translation of Islamic Classics in Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties |
12 |
“新丝路经济带”的纵深文化与我国的战略思路 |
/刘席宏 |
In-depth Culture of New Silk Road Economic Belt and China’s Strategy |
研讨论坛 |
16 |
卧格夫的源起及其研究 |
/马玉秀 |
Study of Origin of Waqf |
19 |
宽容是伊斯兰教的基本精神 |
/洪勇明 |
Tolerance is Basic Spirit of Islam |
22 |
在粤外国穆斯林社会管理面临的问题与应对 |
/冯刚 刘欣路 |
Problems of Managing Foreign Muslims in Guangdong Province and Countermeasures |
学习交流 |
25 |
回族经堂语音译语料分析 |
/马辉芬 |
Corpus Analysis of Transliteration in the Hui’s Mosque Language |
28 |
具有创新意义的有益尝试 |
/贺泽松 贺俊忠 |
A Beneficial Trial with Creative Meaning |
30 |
天津清真大寺文物匾额情况及抢救记略 |
/金惠仁 |
Record of Protecting Inscribed Boards of Cultural Relics in Tianjin Mosque |
经训教法 |
32 |
男女礼拜仪式的区别 |
/忽天倬 |
Difference in Prayer Rites of Men and Women |
新卧尔兹 |
35 |
心存感恩 与爱同行 |
/马少斌 |
Go with Love and Gratitude |
37 |
漫谈言语与人品/马恩泽 |
On Speech and Character |
纪念抗战 |
39 |
老舍与回族抗战题材话剧《国家至上》 |
/丁明俊 |
Lao She and His Hui’s Anti-Japanese War Drama State Supreme |
42 |
抗战阿訇韦诚荣 |
/马博忠 |
Wei Chengrong: An Imam Fighting in the Anti-Japanese War |
人物写真 |
46 |
追思林松先生/金树淇 |
Memories of Lin Song |
清真名寺 |
48 |
走进洪水泉清真寺 |
/潘世杰 |
A Visit to Hongshuiquan Mosque |
51 |
兰州伊斯兰教灵明堂建筑艺术赏析 |
/墨 骥 |
Architectural Art of Islamic Sect Lingmingtang of Lanzhou |
史海钩沉 |
54 |
被遗忘的《汉译古兰经》 |
/马景 |
The Forgotten Chinese Translation of Qur’an |
58 |
扬州新发现唐代波斯人墓碑意义初探 |
/郑 阳 陈德勇 |
Preliminary Study of Meaning of Newly Found Tang Dynasty Persian Tombstone |
生活广角 |
61 |
南京伊协:来宁就如到家 |
/敏俊卿 |
Nanjing Islamic Association: A Home to Visitors |
64 |
咱村里来了位时书记 |
/米德同 |
Party Secretary Shi Comes to Our Village |
66 |
母亲的爱意(外一篇) |
/深谷幽兰 |
Affectionate Care of Mother |
新月世界 |
67 |
马来西亚清真食品产业国际化发展经验与启示 |
/杨海娟 Francois 黄立军 |
Experience and Inspiration of Internationalization of Malaysia’s Halal Food Industry |
评介资讯 |
71 |
《马良骏纪念文集》及《马良骏传》评介 |
/付新洁 |
Review of Anthology of Ma Liangjun and Biology of Ma Liangjun |
73 |
埃及作家优素福•西巴伊的《回来吧,我的心》 |
/袁毅 |
Egyptian Writer Yousuf Sibay’s Novel Come Back, My Heart |
76 |
解读印度影片《我的名字叫可汗》的精神叙事 |
/司长强 |
Interpretation to Spiritual Narration of Indian Movie My Name is Khan |
教育之窗 |
79 |
中国伊斯兰教经学院2015年本科班招生简章 |
2015 China Islamic Institute Undergraduate Prospectus |