本刊特辑 |
4 |
强烈谴责暴恐犯罪 珍惜安定团结大局 |
本刊讯 |
Condemn Violent and Terrorist Crimes Strongly to Cherish Stability and Unity |
6 |
聚焦改革热点 忠实履行职责 |
本刊讯 |
Focus on Reform Highlights and Fulfill Responsibilities Solidly |
8 |
让解经工作落地生根开花结果 |
张乐斌 |
Let Islamic Scripture Interpreting Work Take Roots, Blossom and Yield Fruits |
学术文化 |
12 |
伊斯兰仁爱及其当代社会价值 |
赵新霞 |
Islamic Benevolence and Its Contemporary Social Values |
15 |
伊斯兰文化与回族劝谕型民间故事 |
冶 芸 |
Islamic Culture and the Hui Cautionary Folk Tales |
18 |
试论阿拉伯文化中的调和主义 |
吴雁 |
On Electicism in Arabic Culture |
经训教法 |
22 |
伊斯兰教倡导和平 践行和平 |
穆哈提热木·西日甫大毛拉阿吉 |
Islam Promotes and Practices Peace |
26 |
《古兰经》语言艺术探析 |
唐雪梅 |
Linguistic Art in Qur’an |
教风建设 |
29 |
伊斯兰教界教风建设中各主体作用分析 |
韩积善 |
Analysis of Functions of All Factors in Islamic Ethos Construction |
32 |
争做教风端正的穆斯林 |
马文敬 |
Be a Muslim of Proper Islamic Ethos |
34 |
遵循经训教诲 加强教风建设 |
大理伊协 |
Follow the Exhortation of Qur’an and Hadith in Constructing Islamic Ethos |
研讨论坛 |
36 |
民族和睦结硕果 宗教和顺谱新曲 |
—宁夏彭阳县民族宗教工作采访见闻 |
贺泽松 |
Fruitful Work in Promoting Ethnic and Religious Harmony: Investigation of the Ethnic and Religious Work in Pengyang County, Ningxia |
40 |
伊斯兰教对阿拉伯国家现代化进程影响初探 |
张 熙 |
Influence of Islam upon Modernization of Arab Countries |
42 |
对我国西北农村回族社区伊斯兰教状况的实证 |
调查与思考 |
徐晓美 |
Empirical Investigation and Reflection on Islam in Northwest China Rural Hui Communities |
新卧尔兹 |
45 |
关爱友善 和谐共生 |
杨东文 |
Harmonious Coexistence Based on Care and Affection |
走进新疆 |
48 |
别样美蕴的新疆回族开斋节 |
马 乾 |
Hui’s Eid-al-Fitr with Unique Charm in Xinjiang |
51 |
塔吉克族:团结互助敬老诚实的民族 |
陈雾 |
Tajik: An Ethnic Group of Solidarity, Cooperation, Respecting the Elderly and Honesty |
域外传真 |
53 |
消除极端思潮 反对妄断他人 |
—艾大长老在开罗国际伊斯兰大会上的讲话 |
本刊辑 |
Eliminate Extremist Thoughts, and Be against Irresponsible Judgment on Others--Speech by Sheikh Ahmed el-Tayeb of the Azhar University at the Cairo International Islamic Conference |
史海揽珍 |
58 |
季羡林先生谈伊斯兰文化与中华文化 |
—纪念季羡林先生辞世五周年 |
黑良杰 |
Islamic Culture and Chinese National Culture in Ji Xianlin’s Eyes: In Memory of the 5th Anniversary of His Death |
60 |
泰安回族士人与泰山文化 |
周 郢 |
Ancient Hui Scholars in Tai’an and the Culture of Tai’an |
友好往来 |
64 |
走进欧亚之桥:土耳其 |
金宏伟 |
Approaching Eurasian Bridge:Turkey |
新月世界 |
69 |
芬兰穆斯林的现状与处境 |
陈玉凤 |
Present Situation of Muslims in Finland |