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卷首语 |
Preface |
本刊特辑 |
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中共中央统战部常务副部长张裔炯一行到中国伊协走访慰问 |
本刊讯 |
Administrative Deputy Head of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee Zhang Yijiong Visits the CIA and Conveys Greetings |
5 |
全国政协民宗委主任朱维群一行到中国伊协走访慰问 |
本刊讯 |
Director of the Ethnic and Religious Affairs Committee of the CPPCC Zhu Weiqun Visits the CIA and Conveys Greetings |
5 |
国家宗教局局长王作安一行到中国伊协走访慰问 |
本刊讯 |
Head of the State Administration of Religious Affairs Wang Zuoan Visits the CIA and Conveys Greetings |
要闻专栏 |
6 |
纪念沈遐熙先生归真十周年座谈会在京举行 |
本刊讯 |
Symposium in Memory of the 10th Anniversary of Sheng Xiaxi’s Death Held in Beijing |
7 |
用我们的努力告慰先辈 |
陈广元 |
Extending Condolences to Predecessors via Our Efforts |
8 |
缅怀先辈业绩 谱好为民新曲 |
张乐斌 |
Recalling Predecessors’ Exploits to Open New Chapter of Serving People |
9 |
无尽的思念 永远的激励 |
沈光浩 |
Endless Remembrance and Everlasting Encouragement |
学术文化 |
11 |
伊斯兰社会救助思想刍议 |
米恩广 |
Islamic Views of Social Relief and Aid |
16 |
清真食品界定的立法探析 |
李 鑫 |
Exploration into the Legislation of Halal Food Definition |
经训教法 |
22 |
经训论施舍的高贵 |
金忠杰 译 |
Views of Nobleness of Donation in Qur’an and Hadith |
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伊斯兰慈善内涵及其实践途径 |
马凤俊 编译 |
Connotations and Practices of Islamic Philanthropy |
研讨论坛 |
27 |
清真食品安全报告(摘要) |
马明良 |
Report of Halal Food Safety (Summary) |
29 |
宁夏中阿文化交流的成果与机遇 |
刘 伟 |
Accomplishments and Opportunities of China-Arab Cultural Exchanges Practiced in Ningxia |
学习交流 |
32 |
探寻破解移民区宗教管理难题之路 |
—红寺堡移民区宗教管理工作采访札记 |
贺泽松等 |
Finding Ways of Resolving Problems Concerning Religious Management in Migration Areas: Notes of Investigating Religious Magement in Hongsibao Migration Area |
36 |
吉林省开展新卧尔兹巡回演讲效果显著 |
吉伊宣 |
Wa’z Tour in Jilin Province Achieves Remarkable Effects |
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乌鲁木齐市开展解经工作骨干培训取得良好成果 |
童 涛 |
Elite Training for Qur’an Interpreting in Urumqi Gains Fruits |
新卧尔兹 |
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学习穆圣事迹 效法穆圣品德 |
马文敬 |
Learning from the Prophet’s Deeds and Following His Virtues |
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做不忘骨肉亲情的穆斯林 |
从恩霖 |
Being Muslims Cherishing Kindred |
生活点滴 |
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从一座清真寺的迁址说开去 |
王树理 |
Thoughts Initiated from Relocation of a Mosque |
45 |
铁老四回民志愿服务队 |
马仲清 |
The Hui Volunteers’ Team Headed by Tie Laosi |
书评资讯 |
47 |
一部弘扬笃行正道 爱国爱教的力作 |
—评《希拉伦丁·陈广元传》 |
许晓晴 |
A Masterpiece Promoting Persistent Work, Right Way, Patriotism and Devout Belief: Review of The Biography of Hilaluddin Chen Guangyuan |
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《伊斯兰化藏胞研究》评介 |
杨晓纯 |
Review of Studies of Tibetan Muslims |
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《大草原上的小清真寺》热播原因探析 |
马 婷 丁 曦 |
Reasons of Hot Broadcast of TV Documentary Small Mosque on the Vast Grassland |
新月世界 |
58 |
香港的伊斯兰教 |
张 宇 杜 军 |
Islam in Hongkong |
62 |
瑞典穆斯林就业状况分析 |
方长明 |
Analysis of Muslims’ Employment in Sweden |
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泰北的回族穆斯林及其族群认同复苏现象 |
梁 洁 |
The Hui Muslims in North Thailand and the Revival of Their Ethnic Identity |
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各地简讯 |
Local News Bulletins |