本刊特辑 |
4 |
中国伊斯兰教协会在京举行古尔邦节招待会 |
本刊讯 |
The CIA Holds Eid al-Adhan Reception in Beijing |
5 |
中国伊斯兰教教务指导委员会三届二次会议在京举行 |
本刊讯 |
The 2nd Meeting of the 3rd China Islamic Affairs Steering Committee Held in Beijing |
学术文化 |
6 |
伊斯兰的核心价值观 |
丁士仁 |
Core Value of Islam |
12 |
试论伊斯兰教慈善伦理 |
虎利平 |
On Islamic Philanthropic Ethnics |
15 |
西北回族聚居区清真寺社会功能研究 |
杨志文 |
Research on Social Functions of Mosques in the Hui Areas of Northwest China |
经训教法 |
21 |
伊斯兰与信仰自由 |
石永泽 |
Islam and Religious Freedom |
25 |
伊斯兰经训中的“天门”开启说 |
潘世昌 |
Statement of the Door to Paradise in Islamic Scriptures and Hadith |
28 |
漫谈伊斯兰教与数字“七” |
从恩霖 |
Islam and the Number “7” |
学习交流 |
31 |
做一个教风端正的阿訇 |
李赛军 |
Being an Imam of Islamic Principles |
34 |
伊协在清真监制工作中的职责 |
马文敬 |
Functions of the Islamic Associations in Supervising Halal Food Production |
37 |
围绕创建抓服务 增进和谐促发展 |
贺泽松 |
Serving via Creativity and Developing in Harmony |
要闻专栏 |
41 |
中国哈吉的幸福神圣之旅 |
敏俊卿 马秀邦 |
Chinese Hajjis’ Blessed and Holy Trip |
研讨论坛 |
45 |
伊斯兰文明与人类的口腔保健 |
马 兰 |
Islamic Civilization and Mankind’s Oral Health |
48 |
回族传统体育与宗教信仰的关系 |
王 笑 潘义田 |
Relationship between Traditional Hui Sports and Religious Belief |
华诞纪念 |
50 |
诚挚的关爱 深切的怀念 |
—纪念习仲勋先生诞辰100周年 |
敏生光 |
Genuine Care and Heart-felt Reminisces: In Memory of Xi Zhongxun’s 100th Birthday |
53 |
从中国穆斯林朝觐人数的变迁谈起 |
—为纪念中国伊协成立60华诞而作 |
李华英 |
Thoughts based on the Changes of Chinese Hajjis’ Numbers: In Honor of the CIA’s 60th Anniversary |
清真名寺 |
57 |
山东泰山区田庄清真寺考略 |
于衍学 马 柱 |
Investigation on Tianzhuang Mosque,Tai’an, Shandong Province |
新卧尔兹 |
60 |
合格哈吉应认识自我完美人生 |
—驻阿拉法特日的演讲 |
杜永波 |
A Qualified Hajji Should Have Good Self-recognition for a Perfect Life: Speech on the Day of Wuquf’ Arafat |
人物写真 |
63 |
从《中国与回教》看庞士谦阿訇 |
马义保 |
Imam Pang Shiqian: A Perspective of China and Islam |
67 |
坚贞的信仰 不朽的精神 |
—怀念庞士谦阿訇 |
丁仁孝 |
Pious Conviction and Immortal Spirit: In Memory of Imam Pang Shiqian |
69 |
兴业重慈善 捐款助教门 |
—追记上海回族企业家兰荣桂 |
王锡奎 |
Lan Guirong: A Shanghai-based Entrepreneur Active in Charity and |
Religious Donations |
生活广角 |
71 |
宝庆竹刻与古兰真经 |
苏宏林 |
Baboo-carving Qur’an in Baoqing |
72 |
天山下的回民 |
黑正宏 |
The Hui at the Foot of Tianshan Mountains |
75 |
域外资讯 |
Foreign Information |
77 |
2013年总目录 |
Comprehensive Table of Contents of China Muslim 2013 |