4 |
开启各族人民幸福美好未来新篇章 |
本刊评论员 |
—学习贯彻党的十八大精神 |
A New Chapter for People’s Glorious Future: Learning to Practice the 18th CPC National Congress Spirit |
本刊特辑 |
5 |
中国伊协在京举行古尔邦节招待会 |
本刊讯 |
The CIA Held Qurban Reception in Beijing |
5 |
国家宗教局王作安局长在中国伊协作学习十八大精神辅导报告 |
本刊讯 |
The State Administration for Religious Affairs Director General Wang Zuoan Attends the Guidance Lecture of the 18th CPC National Congress Spirit in the CIA |
学术文化 |
6 |
试论伊斯兰人生价值观 |
阿不都艾尼·依拉洪 |
On Islamic Life Values |
11 |
回族语言中的阿拉伯语词汇及其特点辨析 |
马占明 |
The Arabic Words and Their Characteristics in the Hui’s Language |
经训教法 |
17 |
《古兰经》中的《蜜蜂章》与蜜蜂 |
马雁兵 |
Qur’anic Chapter of the Bee and Bees |
20 |
伊斯兰教视域中的邻居权利与善待穷人 |
金忠杰 编译 |
Neighbors’ Rights and Being Kind to the Poor from the Perspective of Qur’an |
研讨论坛 |
22 |
伊斯兰经济思想在穆斯林企业管理中的实践 |
朱 琳 |
Practice of Islamic Economic Ideology in Muslim Business Management |
27 |
回族慈善公益实践之路的探讨与思考 |
虎利平 |
Discussions and Reflections on the Methods of Hui’s Charity and Public Welfare |
32 |
哈桑·班纳的宗教思想探析 |
云存平 |
On Hasan Bana’s Religious Thoughts |
学习交流 |
35 |
回族宗教文化建设与社会和谐 |
张建芳 |
Construction of Hui’s Religious Culture and Societal Harmony |
37 |
试论东乡民族的语言态度 |
敏春芳 |
On Language Attitude of Ethnic Dongxiang |
40 |
道德就是“信道而行善” |
马占云 |
Morality is “Believing the Truth and Doing the Good” |
本期专访 |
44 |
牢记责任 不辱使命—全国政协常委、中国伊协会长 陈广元大阿訇谈党的十八大 |
本刊记者 |
Bearing the Responsibilities in Mind and Successfully Accomplishing the Mission: An Interview with Imam Chen Guangyuan the CPPCC Standing Committee Member and the CIA President |
新卧尔兹 |
46 |
伊斯兰教的祈祷—都阿 |
杨 兵 |
Islamic Supplications Dua |
要闻专栏 |
49 |
穆斯林神圣的心灵之旅 |
敏俊卿 |
—2012年朝觐活动纪实 |
Muslims’ Holy Soul Journey: Record of 2012 Hajj |
友好往来 |
52 |
杨志波副会长应邀出席新加坡伊斯兰教国际学术会议 |
本刊讯 |
The CIA Deputy President Yang Zhibo Invited to Attend Singapore International Academic Conference for Islam |
52 |
沙特伊斯兰事务部代表团应邀访华 |
本刊讯 |
Saudi Arabian Ministry of Islamic Endowments and Guidance Affairs Mission Visits China |
53 |
罗马尼亚穆斯林协会代表团应邀访华 |
本刊讯 |
Muslim Association of Romania Mission Visits China |
新月世界 |
54 |
埃及的斋月传统习俗探究 |
刘 晖 |
Studies on Egyptian Ramadan Customs |
58 |
沙特女选手奥运赛场初亮相 |
刘元培 |
Saudi Arabian Women Athletes Turns up in Olympics for the First Time |
人物写真 |
60 |
疮疡圣手 杏林翘楚—记回族外科名医哈锐川 |
张大萍 |
Ha Ruichuan: An Outstanding Hui Skin and External Diseases Surgeon |
伊苑绿地 |
64 |
语言的委婉 |
马少斌 |
Euphemism |
书评资讯 |
66 |
一部研究宁夏回族等民族教育史的力作 |
常 棣 |
—评《宁夏近代教育》 |
A Masterpiece of Studying Ningxia’s Education: Review on the Book Modern Ningxia Education |
68 |
各地简讯选登 Local News Bulletins |
本刊辑 |
69 |
《中国穆斯林》2012年总目录 |
Comprehensive Table of Contents of China Muslim 2012 |