本刊特辑 |
4 |
“欢度开斋佳节暨尊老敬老爱心行动”主题茶话会在京隆重举行 |
本刊讯 |
The Tea Reception for Eid Celebration and Love Campaign of Respecting Old Held in Beijing |
6 |
宗教界从事公益慈善活动经验交流会暨宗教慈善周启动仪式在武汉举行 |
本刊讯 |
Religious Circles Charity Experience Exchange Conference and Religious Charity Week Launching Ceremony Held in Wuhan |
7 |
和平友谊 团结进步 共创未来—2012中国·土耳其伊斯兰文化展演活动纪实 |
敏俊卿 |
Embrace the Future with Peace, Friendship, Unity and Progress: A Record of 2012 China-Turkey Islamic Cultural Exhibition and Performances |
学术文化 |
12 |
论伊斯兰的知识维度与学科分类 |
周传斌 |
On the Knowledge Dimensionality and Subject Categories of Islam |
17 |
《古兰经》妇女赋权思想初探 |
潘世杰 |
A Research into Qur’anic Philosophy of Women’s Empowerment |
23 |
维吾尔族伊斯兰建筑的价值 |
帕热旦·米吉提 阿孜古丽·吾甫尔 |
The Value of Uygur Islamic Architectures |
经训教法 |
30 |
伊斯兰的认主独一 |
兰 顿 |
Tawhid in Islam |
33 |
伊斯兰教经训论劝善戒恶 |
金忠杰 编译 |
Views of Encouraging Virtues against Vices in Qur’an and Hadith |
35 |
穆斯林应该怎样看待今世 |
从恩霖 |
How Should a Muslim Treat This Life? |
要闻专栏 |
39 |
中国伊斯兰教协会在京举行公益慈善事业恳谈会 |
本刊讯 |
The CIA Holds Public Welfare Charity Meeting in Beijing |
32 |
中国伊协会长陈广元出席海拉尔清真寺建寺百年庆典 |
本刊讯 |
The CIA President Chen Guangyuan Attends Hailal Mosque’s Centennial Celebration |
40 |
安徽省伊斯兰教第五次代表会议在合肥举行 |
本刊讯 |
The 5th Anhui Province Islamic Congress Held in Hefei |
学习交流 |
41 |
穆斯林的兄弟理念 |
金 镖 |
Muslim Conception of Brothers |
43 |
伊斯兰文化中的“卧尔兹”与“呼图白” |
金宏伟 |
Wa’z and Khutbah in Islamic Culture |
新卧尔兹 |
46 |
谴责亵渎诋毁 主张理智应对 |
中国伊协 |
Be Sensible to Denounce Blaspheming and Defaming |
49 |
信仰后世对穆斯林现实生活的指导意义 |
杜永波 |
Belief in the After-life and its Guidance for Muslims’ Life |
友好往来 |
51 |
中国伊协会长陈广元大阿訇应邀在土耳其蓝色清真寺宣讲“卧尔兹” |
本刊讯 |
The CIA President, Imam Chen Guangyuan Invited to Deliver Wa’z in the Blue Mosque, Turkey |
52 |
中国穆斯林副朝团平安回国 |
本刊讯 |
Chinese Umrah Group Back Home in Safety |
生活广角 |
53 |
漫谈伊斯兰的饮食与待客之道 |
李祥乐 |
About the Islamic Food and Hospitality |
55 |
浅谈南京清真餐饮文化—从“郑和航海宴”的开发说 |
郑自海 |
Nanjing Halal Food Culture: A Probe Starting with the Development of Zheng He Sailing Banquet |
新月世界 |
58 |
欧洲穆斯林移民问题研究 |
贾建萍 |
A Study of European Muslim Immigrants |
61 |
普什图人的传统婚俗 |
何 杰 |
The Traditional Pushtus Marriage Customs |
书评资讯 |
64 |
追求虔诚信仰 完美宗教操守 |
金惠仁 |
—读《世界上最幸福的女人》有感 |
Seek Religious Piety for Personal Integrity: Review of The Happiest Women in the World |
66 |
开展伊斯兰教的对外文化交流的思考 |
王德才 林东立 |
—《历程》读后感 |
Pondering over the Foreign Exchanges of Islamic Culture: Review of The Journey |
70 |
中国民族图书馆收藏回族古籍简述 |
王华北 |
A Brief Introduction to the Old Hui Books Collected in China Minzu Library |