4 |
真主的确喜欢行善的人 |
本刊评论员 |
Allah Loves Charitable People Indeed |
本刊特辑 |
5 |
关于开展斋月尊老敬老爱心行动的倡议书 |
中国伊斯兰教协会 |
Appeal for Launching Respecting and Loving Elders Campaign in Ramadan |
6 |
中国伊协斋月尊老敬老爱心行动捐款仪式在武汉举行 |
本刊讯 |
Appeal for Launching Ramadan Campaign of Respecting and Loving Elders |
要闻专栏 |
7 |
中国伊斯兰教教务指导委员会第三届委员会议在京召开 |
本刊讯 |
The 3rd China Islamic Affairs Steering Committee Meeting Held in Beijing |
9 |
为中国伊斯兰教的健康发展而努力奋斗 |
陈广元 |
——在中国伊斯兰教教务指导委员会第三届委员会议开幕式上的致词 |
Make Arduous Efforts for Healthy Development of Islam:Address at the Opening Ceremony of the 3rd China Islamic Affairs Steering Committee Meeting |
10 |
坚持把握正确方向 坚定担当神圣职责 |
张乐斌 |
——在中国伊斯兰教教务指导委员会第三届会议上的讲话 |
Keep Steering in Right Direction to Undertake Sacred Duties: Address at the Opening Ceremony of the 3rd China Islamic Affairs Steering CommitteeMeeting |
15 |
第八届全国“卧尔兹”演讲比赛在京举行 |
本刊讯 |
The 8th National Wa’z Competition Held in Beijing |
15 |
中国伊协九届二次会长会议在京召开 |
本刊讯 |
The 2nd Presidents Meeting of the 9th Islamic Association of China Committee Held in Beijing |
16 |
中国朝觐工作考察团圆满结束考察访问回国 |
本刊讯 |
China Hajj Work Mission Comes Back with a Satisfactory Conclusion |
学习交流 |
17 |
关于我国伊斯兰教朝觐事务管理若干问题的思考 |
张乐斌 |
Reflections on Issues in China Hajj Management |
24 |
加强规章制度建设 指导清真寺提高管理水平 |
郭承真 |
Stepping up Mosque Rules and Regulations to Improve Management |
26 |
发挥清真寺桥梁和纽带作用 为民族团结社会和谐做贡献 |
吴忠南大寺 |
Playing Mosques’Role of Bridge and Link in National Unity and Societal Harmony |
28 |
积极教育引导穆斯林群众爱国爱教 |
和田加曼大寺 |
Positively Guiding Muslims to Be Religious and Patriotic |
经训教法 |
30 |
安萨里论斋戒 |
潘世昌 编译 |
Al-Ghazali’s Thoughts on Sawn |
35 |
浅谈穆斯林的斋戒及其现实意义 |
马福元 唐淑珍 |
Sawn and Its Realistic Meaning |
学术文化 |
40 |
回族文化结构分析 |
杨忠东 |
Analysis of the Hui’s Cultural Structure |
44 |
阿拉伯语言教学中要重视伊斯兰文化的培养 |
丁 萍 |
Fostering the Knowledge of Islamic Culture in Teaching Arabic Language |
47 |
城市化进程对宁夏吴忠市回族社区文化影响分析 |
张丽艳 |
Analysis of the Impact of the Urbanization to the Hui’s Community Culture in Wuzhong, Ningxia |
研讨论坛 |
51 |
当代经学学者及其历史使命 |
哈宝玉 |
Contemporary Scholars of Ulum al-Qur’an and Their Historic Mission |
54 |
现代化背景下清真寺功能拓展的探索与尝试 |
马 强 马 超 |
——“现代化背景下的城市穆斯林”学术研讨会综述 |
Explorations and Attempts in Expanding the Functions of the Mosques in the Modernization Background: Summary of the Symposium on Urban Muslims in the Modernization Background |
58 |
弘扬伊斯兰优秀文化 促进和谐社会建设 |
陈德勇 |
——扬州伊斯兰教工作概述 |
Enhancing Islamic Culture to Boost the Harmonious Society Construction: Work Summary of Yangzhou Islamic Affairs |
新卧尔兹 |
61 |
做一个尊老敬老爱老的穆斯林 |
从恩霖 |
Being a Muslim of Respecting and Loving Elders |
友好往来 |
64 |
印尼伊斯兰教法学者委员会访问团应邀访华 |
本刊讯 |
Indonesian Figh Scholars Mission Visits China |
64 |
阿拉伯国家联合记者团一行拜访中国伊协 |
本刊讯 |
The United Arab Journalists Mission Visits the Islamic Association of China |
64 |
伊朗朝觐与慈善组织代表团应邀访华 |
本刊讯 |
The delegation of Hajj and Charity of Iran Visits China |
65 |
“中国与伊斯兰文明”国际学术研讨会在京举行 |
本刊讯 |
The International Symposium on China and Islamic Civilization Held in Beijing |
65 |
中国伊协代表出席第四届世界与传统宗教领袖大会 |
本刊讯 |
The Islamic Association of China Representatives Attend the 4th Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions |
清真名寺 |
66 |
克里雅艾提卡尔清真寺 |
买托合提·居来提 |
Keriya Idgar Mosque |
68 |
新疆哈萨克族清真寺历史沿革述略 |
陈 刚等 |
History of Xinjiang Kazak Mosque |
71 |
各地简讯选登 |
本刊辑 |
Local News Bulletins |