4 |
学法守法规范行为 知法遵法维护权益 |
本刊评论员 |
Learn and Use Law for Behaving and Rights |
学术文化 |
6 |
试论伊斯兰教的土文化观 |
高占福 |
Islamic View on Earth Culture |
9 |
论伊斯兰伦理道德形成初期的政治历史背景 |
霍 艳 |
Political and Historical Background of the Early Islamic Ethics |
11 |
阿拉伯国家饮食文化研究 |
刘 晖 |
——埃及传统饮食中的历史与文化 |
Study of Arab Countries’Diet Culture: History and Culture in Traditional Egyptian Diet Culture |
经训教法 |
15 |
我国已知最早的消经全译《古兰经》 |
虎 隆 |
——《天方尊大真经中华明文注解》简介 |
Earliest Ever Known Fully Annotated Qur’an: Brief Introduction to Chinese Annotations to Qur’an |
19 |
简述《古兰经》诵读学的形成、发展与传播 |
马占明 |
Brief Introduction to the Formation, Development and Spread of llmal-Tajwid |
22 |
怎样弥补拜中失误——“因错补叩” |
从恩霖 |
How to Remedy Errors in Prayers: Remedial Prostration |
要闻专栏 |
24 |
2012年度朝觐工作联席会议在昆明召开 |
本刊讯 |
2012 Hajj Work Joint Meeting Held in Kunming |
24 |
中国伊协领导赴新疆进行解经工作调研 |
本刊讯 |
Islamic Association of China Leaders Survey the Qur’an Interpretation in Xinjiang |
41 |
朝觐教务指导工作研讨会在常州市召开 |
本刊讯 |
Hajj Rituals Guidance Workshop Held in Changzhou |
交流探讨 |
25 |
哈萨克族定居牧民传统生计方式的变迁与社会适应 |
刘正江 |
——以新疆裕民县阿勒腾也木勒乡为例 |
Transition and Social Adaption of Traditional Livelihoods of Settled Kazak Herdsman: As in the Case of Altenjemul Township, Yumin County of Xinjiang |
28 |
穆斯林大学生网络行为的调查报告 |
特木尔巴根 赵楚一 |
——以北京邮电大学民族教育学院为例 |
Survey of the Muslim College Students’ Internet Behaviors: As in the Case ofMinzu Education School, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications |
31 |
试探回族家庭伦理谚语的形成及意义 |
杨志新 |
Probe into the Formation and Significance of the Hui Family Ethic Proverbs |
34 |
从北京穆斯林的爱国精神说起 |
杨东文 |
Patriotism of Beijing Muslims |
新卧尔兹 |
37 |
伊斯兰教施舍的方式 |
韩景刚 |
Islamic Ways of Charity |
39 |
伊斯兰的节食对人身心的益处 |
李海通 |
Benefits of Islamic Dieting for Health |
友好往来 |
42 |
2012年朝觐事务代表团访问沙特阿拉伯 |
本刊讯 |
2012 Hajj Work Delegation Visits Saudi Arabia |
43 |
土耳其总理一行参访上海小桃园清真寺 |
本刊讯 |
Turkish Premier Visits Shanghai Xiaotaoyuan Masjid |
43 |
沙特王国财政部司长拜访中国伊协 |
本刊讯 |
Subministry Department Chief of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Finance Visits China Islamic Association |
本期专访 |
44 |
亚欧桥梁郁金飘香 中土友谊地久天长 |
本刊记者 |
Tulip Fragrance Pervades the Asia-Europe Bridge: Everlasting China-Turkey Friendship |
新月世界 |
47 |
伊斯坦布尔 第一眼就爱上您 |
楚 鹏 |
Istanbul: Fall in Love with You at the First Sight |
50 |
缅甸的伊斯兰教 |
马锦丹 马 强 |
Islam in Burma |
56 |
海湾妇女罩袍成为艺术品 |
刘元培 |
The Gulf Women’s Over Robe Has Become Work of Art |
清真名寺 |
59 |
滇东北祖寺拖姑清真寺 |
马燕坤 |
Zusi Tuogu Mosque of Northeast Yunnan Province |
62 |
三亚的清真寺及其管理 |
海正忠 |
Sanya Mosques and Their Management |
生活广角 |
65 |
坊上人:奋进在感恩的世界里 |
马利强 敏俊卿 |
Community Muslims: Advance Diligently While Feeling Grateful |
68 |
北京牛街的那些事儿 |
改文雄 |
Memories of Beijing Niujie Street |
70 |
回族穆斯林的传统食品——油香 |
沈书均 |
Oil Cake: Traditional Hui Muslim Food |
71 |
各地简讯选登 |
本刊辑 |
Local News Bulletins |