本刊特辑 |
4 |
同心同德 同向同行 |
——庆祝中国共产党成立90周年 |
本刊编辑部 |
One Heart, Same Direction: Celebrating the CCP’s 90th Anniversary |
学术文化综观 |
5 |
《古兰经译注》及其注释研究 |
金忠杰 |
An Introduction to Qur’an Annotations and Study on Its Annotations |
10 |
伊斯兰伦理道德的当代价值 |
哈宝玉 |
Values of Islamic Ethics in the Contemporary Era |
14 |
从中亚东干人语言的变迁看文化适应 |
毕新惠 |
Cultural Adaptation Seen from the Language Changes of Donggan People |
in Middle |
交流探讨论坛 |
17 |
伊斯兰教道德范例初探 |
马忠杰 |
Islamic Moral Models |
19 |
论伊斯兰信仰与现代人的精神需求 |
马明良 |
Islamic Belief and Spiritual Needs of Modern People |
21 |
扬州伊斯兰教团体现状的调查与思考 |
薛 清 |
Investigation and Reflection on the Status Quo of Islamic Organizations in |
经训教法阐释 |
23 |
略述伊斯兰教饮食原则 |
——兼谈清真饮食与饮食安全 |
从恩霖 |
A Brief Review on Islamic Diet Principles: Halal Diet and Diet Safety |
28 |
从穆圣辞朝谈伊斯兰教法简便易行的原则 |
穆卫宾 |
Principles of Being Concise, Convenient and Accessible of the Sharia Law: Starting from the Farewell Address of the Holy Prophet Muhammad |
卧尔兹演讲台 |
31 |
做一个品行端正的穆斯林 |
定纪平 |
Being a Muslim of Character |
34 |
伊斯兰教重视医疗保健 |
马凤魁 |
Islam Attaches Importance to Health Care |
清真名寺巡礼 |
36 |
沈丘县清真古寺 |
倪胜章 |
The Ancient Mosque of |
38 |
延安市宝塔区清真寺 |
韩传金 |
The Baota District Mosque of Yan’an City |
穆民生活广角 |
39 |
从清真饮食看养生之道(4) |
单守庆 |
Regimen Observed from Halal Diet(4) |
42 |
保安族穆斯林的商贸历史述略 |
何秀林 |
A Survey on the Commercial Characteristics of the Baoan Muslims |
44 |
东乡族穆斯林流动人口在兰州市的就业行业简析 |
白晓荣 |
An Analysis on the Industries of Dongxiang Muslim Migrants’ Employment in Lanzhou City |
46 |
中国清真食品产业发展的新机遇 |
——以广州亚运会为例 |
洪 伟 |
A New Opportunity for Halal Food Industry Development: As in the Case of |
伊苑绿地撷英 |
49 |
颂歌献给党 (诗四首) |
——庆祝中国共产党九十华诞 |
米如琳 |
Ode to the Communist Party (Four Poems): Celebrating the CCP’s 90th Anniversary |
49 |
敬贺中国共产党九十华诞(诗六首) |
马德荣 |
Congratulations on the CCP’s 90th Anniversary (Six Poems) |
50 |
一个人的西北旺 |
石彦伟 |
One Person’s Xibeiwang Township |
友好往来纪实 |
52 |
回良玉副总理会见土耳其宗教事务局代表团 |
本刊讯 |
Vice Premier Hui Liangyu Meets with the Commission of the Presidency of Religious Affairs of the |
53 |
土耳其宗教事务局代表团访问中国伊协 |
本刊讯 |
The Commission of the Presidency of Religious Affairs of the |
54 |
促交流 增友谊 |
——专访土耳其宗教事务局局长穆罕默德·居尔迈茨 |
本刊记者 |
Promoting Communications and Friendship: An Interview with the President of the Presidency of Religious Affairs of the |
新月世界掠影 |
55 |
尼泊尔穆斯林的现状与困境 |
马 强 莫艳婷 |
The Status Quo and Dilemma of Nepalese Muslims |
本期要闻专栏 |
60 |
全国第一批宗教界爱国主义教育基地授牌揭牌仪式在江苏句容举行 |
本刊讯 |
The Opening Ceremony of the First National Patriotic Education Bases of Religious Circles Held in |
60 |
全国宗教界庆祝中国共产党成立90周年座谈会在句容举行 |
本刊讯 |
The National Religious Circles’Meeting for Celebrating the CCP’s 90th Anniversary Held in Jurong |
61 |
中国伊协召开“在京伊斯兰教界人士庆祝中国共产党成立90周年座谈会” |
本刊讯 |
The Meeting of Islamic People Living in Beijing for CCP’s 90th Anniversary Held by the China Islamic Association |
43 |
浙江省召开第一次伊斯兰教代表会议 |
本刊讯 |
Zhejiang Province Holds the First Islamic Representatives’Meeting |
48 |
《中国伊斯兰教西道堂研究文集》首发式暨学术研讨会在兰州举行 |
本刊讯 |
The Premier and Symposium of the Corpus of |
62 |
各地简讯选登 |
Local Newsletters |
63 |
国际伊斯兰动态 |
Trends of International Islam |