本刊特辑 |
4 |
伊斯兰世界联盟代表团访华 |
本刊讯 |
Muslim World League Mission Visited China |
7 |
回良玉在古尔邦节前夕到中国伊协 看望宗教界人士 |
本刊讯 |
Hui Liangyu Visited China Islamic Association and the Religious People the Day before al-Qurban |
8 |
中国伊协在京隆重举行2010年古尔邦节招待会 |
本刊讯 |
China Islamic Association Held al-Qurban Reception |
9 |
全国政协副主席白立忱接见河南水南关穆斯林 |
拜存星 |
CPPCC Vice Chairman Bai Lichen Received Muslims from Shuinanguan, Henan province |
10 |
中国伊协会长陈广元大阿訇率团访问台湾 |
本刊讯 |
China Islamic Association President Chen Guangyuan Led a Visiting Mission to Taiwan |
11 |
陈广元大阿訇手书王凤桐朵斯提石刻《古兰经》 捐赠仪式在京举行 |
本刊讯 |
Donation Ceremony of Quran Handwritten by Imam Chen Guangyuan and Stone-inscribed by Wang Fengtong Held in Beijing |
学术文化综观 |
12 |
“9·11”事件后美国穆斯林族群政治文化生态考察 |
林 玲 |
Investigation of the Political and Cultural Life of U.S. Muslim Groups after “ |
16 |
智慧的探求者:伊斯兰哲学家纳塞尔的思想生涯 |
任 军 |
The Wisdom Explorer: the Thinking Career of Islamic Philosopher Nasser |
经训教法阐释 |
22 |
《古兰经》的降示及其首降经文和末降经文 |
从恩霖 |
Qur’an’s Revelation and the First and Last Revealed Scriptures |
交流探讨论坛 |
24 |
近年来清真食品管理研究述评 |
哈正利 张小燕 |
Review on Halal Food Management in Recent Years |
29 |
浅析都市清真饮食文化旅游资源开发 |
蔡宇安 苏 萌 范婧婧 |
On the Exploitation of Metropolitan Tourist Resources of Halal Food Culture |
31 |
从清真饮食看养生之道(1) |
单守庆 |
Regimens Observed from Halal Diet (1) |
卧尔兹演讲台 |
33 |
主麻的由来与贵重 |
马文学 |
The Origin and Significance of Jumah |
友好往来纪实 |
35 |
首届海峡两岸宗教出版机构图书展在台湾举办 |
本刊讯 |
The First Religious Publications Exhibition on Both Sides of Straits Held in Taiwan |
36 |
中国伊斯兰教协会代表团访问南非 |
本刊讯 |
China Islamic Association’s Mission Visited South Africa |
人物事迹写真 |
37 |
马博忠 |
Mr. Tang Kesan and Islam in Southern Fujian Province |
40 |
抗日救国的楷模 宗教教育的旗帜 —纪念 |
刘洪军 |
The Model of Anti-Japanese to Save the Nation, a Flag in Religious Education: In Honor of Mr. Tang Kesan’s 60th Maut Anniversary |
域外言论传真 |
42 |
库尔德人与伊斯兰教 |
敏 敬 |
Kurds and Islam |
新月世界掠影 |
47 |
韩国伊斯兰教五十年 |
马 强 杨黎浩 编译 |
The Fifty Years of Islam in Korea |
书评书讯信息 |
51 |
盛世修志 共建和谐 —《中国伊斯兰教简志》解读 |
敬 军 |
Writing History in a Great Era to Construct Harmony by Joint Efforts: Interpretation to Brief Annals of Islam in China |
55 |
卧尔兹与中国穆斯林的爱国爱教传统 —兼评《楚雄穆斯林卧尔兹集》 |
姚继德 |
Wa’z and Chinese Muslims’Tradition of Loving the Country and Religion: Review on Wa’z Collection of Chuxiong Muslims |
57 |
文化理解与文化对话的百年进程 —第四次文明对话国际学术研讨会综述 |
唐 智 韩中义 马丽静 |
Summary of the International Symposium of the Fourth Dialogue between Chinese and Islamic Civilization: 100 Years of Cultural Dialogue in China |
59 |
各地简讯选登 |
Local Newsletters |
60 |
国际伊斯兰动态 |
Trends of International Islam |
61 |
2010年总目录 |
Comprehensive Table of Contents |