本刊特辑 |
4 |
谱写中国-印尼穆斯林传统友谊新篇章 —“中国-印尼2010伊斯兰文化展演”活动在印尼隆重举行 |
本刊讯 |
Composing the New Chapter for the Traditional China-Indonesia Muslims’ Friendship: China-Indonesia Islamic Cultural Expo and Art Show 2010 Held in Indonesia |
7 |
中国伊协会长陈广元一行前往天津蓟县 慰问穆斯林群众 |
本刊讯 |
China Islamic Association President Chen Guangyuan headed for Jixian County of Tianjin and Sent Condolences to the local Muslims |
8 |
2010年朝觐宣讲活动圆满结束 |
本刊讯 |
2010 Hajj Sermon Activities Brought to a Successful Close |
学术文化综观 |
9 |
伊玛目安萨里的伊斯兰教育论 |
马和斌 |
Imam Ansari’s Thought on Islamic Education |
15 |
伊斯兰教育思想及其实践 |
杰瓦顿丁·马利强 |
Educational Thought of Islam and its Practice |
20 |
试论伊斯兰斋戒文化 |
马玉飞 |
Islamic Fasting Culture |
经训教法阐释 |
23 |
伊斯兰—信仰·价值·义务 |
丁士仁 |
Islam: Faith, Values and Obligations |
27 |
伊斯兰教“杜阿”与心理治疗 — |
从恩霖 |
Islamic Supplication (Du‘aa) and psychotherapy: A Discussion Triggered by Ma Jian’s Translation of the Word “Witched-doctor |
交流探讨论坛 |
31 |
伊斯兰文化语境下的维吾尔族舞蹈艺术解读 |
美哈阿依·喀依尔 |
Cultural Interpretation to Uygur Dance in Islamic Context |
33 |
中国清真食品的标准与认证问题探析 |
王 超 |
Research on the Standards and Identification of Chinese Halal Food |
卧尔兹演讲台 |
36 |
敬主爱人,是穆斯林的首要美德 |
侯赛因·海峰 |
Esteeming Allah and Loving Humanity: Muslims’Principal Virtue |
友好往来纪实 |
38 |
让友谊之声响彻千岛之国—“中国-印尼 2010伊斯兰文化展演”侧记 |
郭 伟等 |
The Sound of Friendship Echoing over the Country of a Thousand Islands: Sidelights of China-Indonesia Islamic Cultural Expo and Art Show 2010 |
14 |
中国伊协会长陈广元出席伊盟国际会议 |
本刊讯 |
The China Islamic Association President Chen Guangyuan Attended the International Conference of Parliamentary Union of OIC Members |
26 |
中国伊协副会长洪长有出席摩洛哥斋月演讲会 |
本刊讯 |
The China Islamic Association Vice President Hong Changyou Attended Morocco Ramadan Seminar |
伊苑绿地撷英 |
44 |
赞圣辞 |
敏生光 译 丛恩霖 校 |
Ode to Mohammed the Prophet |
穆民生活点滴 |
42 |
藏书读书指导实际 |
谢景懿 |
Collecting Books and Reading Guides the Practices |
43 |
一张弥足珍贵的照片 |
金树淇 |
A Valuable Photograph |
人物事迹写真 |
44 |
神圣与传统:纳塞尔哲学思想浅析 |
周传斌 |
Holiness and Tradition:Analysis of Nasser Philosophic Thinking |
48 |
驾着时间行驶 —记临潭顺达集团董事长张世明 |
敏玉林 |
Steering Time: Zhang Shiming, Chairman of the Board of Lintan Shunda Group |
域外言论传真 |
55 |
从头巾到长袍:法国穆斯林女性服饰政治化背后 |
赵万智 |
The Provision and Requirement of Allah |
54 |
居里夫·马基普的《穆斯林在西班牙的文明》 |
马凤俊 译 |
Muslim’s Civilization in Spain by Curie Makip |
新月世界掠影 |
59 |
读《伊斯兰教教义学十讲》有感 |
丁润滨 |
From Turban to Robe:Behind the French Female Muslims’ Costume Politicization |
58 |
沟通 交流 对话 —记牛津伊斯兰研究中心 |
杨桂萍 |
Oxford Center for Islamic Studies: Communication, exchange and dialogue |
63 |
国际伊斯兰动态 |
Trends of International Islam |