本刊特辑 |
4 |
“王静斋大阿訇爱国爱教思想座谈会”暨“王静斋 大阿訇纪念碑揭碑仪式”在贵阳举行 |
本刊讯 |
Symposium on Imam Wang Jingzhai’s Thought of Loving both Country and Religion & His Monument Completion Ceremony Held in Guiyang |
7 |
亚洲宗教和平会议2010年度执委会议在北京召开 |
本刊讯 |
2010 Executive Meeting of the Asian Conference of Religions for Peace (ACRP) Held in Beijing |
7 |
第八届全国《古兰经》诵读比赛在京举行 |
本刊讯 |
The 8th National Qur’an Recitation Competition Held in Beijing |
学术文化综观 |
8 |
浅析先知穆罕默德的信函 |
潘世昌 |
Study on the Letters by Mohammed the Prophet |
12 |
维吾尔医药学概述 |
王 平 |
Uygur Medicine Brief Introduction |
经训教法阐释 |
16 |
《古兰经》中的医学史观概论 |
李良松 |
An Introduction to the Historical Pharmacy in Qur’an |
19 |
伊斯兰文化史上的首部圣训法典《穆宛塔》 |
努尔曼·马贤 |
24 |
伊斯兰教的祈祷及其现实意义(续一) |
穆卫宾 |
Islamic Prayers and Their Realistic Meaning (Sequence 1) |
交流探讨论坛 |
27 |
马启西宗教思想的来源和特点 —马启西遗联解读 |
哈正利 |
The Origin and Characteristics of Ma Qixi’s Religious Thought: An Interpretation of Ma Qixi’s Couplets |
31 |
“健康”的地方性表述 —以青海省一个回族村落为例 |
龚 方 |
Local Expressions for“Health”: in the Case of A Hui Village in Qinghai Province |
卧尔兹演讲台 |
36 |
穆斯林为什么要说“赛俩目” |
从恩霖 |
Why Muslims Greet with Salaam |
人物事迹写真 |
38 |
松亭阿訇在香港—阿里丁哈志口述 |
马建福 |
Imam Ma Songting in Hongkong: Narrated by Haji Ali Ding |
38 |
伊斯兰教著名阿訇金子常 |
王德才 金树淇 |
Jin Zichang, A Renowned Imam |
42 |
真诚演绎的无悔人生 —记全国朝觐工作先进个人马淑琴 |
敏俊卿 |
A Worthy and Genuine Life: Ma Shuqin, the Outstanding National Hajj Worker |
穆民教育之窗 |
44 |
民国时期宁夏回族穆斯林的教育慈善活动 |
王伏平 |
The Muslims’ Philanthropy for Education in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region during the Republic of China (1911-1949) |
47 |
成达师范学校的坎坷苦旅:回族之“心”的历史见证 |
张 嵘 |
The Rough Journey of the Chengda Teacher Training School: A Historical Witness of the Hui’s “Heart” |
本期人物专访 |
51 |
翻译精确、通俗、达意的《古兰经》译本—访伊朗库姆《古兰经》翻译中心主席穆罕默德·纳格迪先生 |
马锐强 |
Translating Accurate, Exoteric and Accessible Qur’an: An Interview with Mohammed Nagahdi, President of Kum Center for Qur’an Translation of Iran |
新月世界掠影 |
52 |
印度穆斯林的斋月 |
金忠杰 |
Ramadan for Indian Muslims |
54 |
中亚东干穆斯林的语言态度 |
苗东霞 |
Language Attitudes of Donggan Muslims in Central-Asia |
域外言论传真 |
57 |
宗教的宽容与友爱 |
教皇-舍奴丹三世著 马凤俊译 |
Religion’s Tolerance and Fraternal Love |
书评书讯信息 |
59 |
读《伊斯兰教教义学十讲》有感 |
丁润滨 |
A Review on Ten Lectures for Islamic Dogmatics (Kalam) |
60 |
你所不知道的中国边缘穆斯林群体—简评 |
敏忠秀 |
Muslim Groups Unknown: A Review on Professor Ding Mingjun’s The Anthropological Survey of China’s Marginal Muslim Groups |
62 |
天津市民族中等职业技术学校2010年招生简章 |
2010 Tianjin Ethnic Vocational-Technical School Prospectus |
63 |
国际伊斯兰动态 |
Trends of International Islam |