本刊特辑 |
4 |
“中国-新加坡2009宗教文化展” 在新加坡隆重举行 |
本刊讯 |
The China-Singapore Religious and Cultural Exhibition 2009 Held in Singapore |
6 |
有序朝觐 文明朝觐 平安朝觐 —2009年度中国朝觐工作顺利结束 |
本刊讯 |
Well-organized and Safe Hajj-2009 China Hajj Put to a Smooth End |
学术文化综观 |
8 |
有关“回儒”的一点思考 |
马雪峰 |
11 |
伊斯兰人文精神略论 |
郭春霞 |
A Probe into Islamic Humanism |
经训教法阐释 |
14 |
“太思米”精义探析 |
杰瓦顿丁·马利强 |
Explorative Analysis on the Subtle Meaning of Tasmiyah |
19 |
有关“伊玛尼”问与答真精神的简析 |
从恩霖 |
A Brief Analysis on the Questions and Answers Regarding the True Spirit of the Iman |
卧尔兹演讲台 |
23 |
诚实守信是穆斯林应具备的基本美德 |
黑保旭 张广庆 |
Integrity and Trustworthiness: the Essential Virtues Muslims ShouldHave |
交流探讨论坛 |
25 |
个人洁净与社会公德意识 |
丁 宏 |
Individual Purity and the Sense of Social Morality |
27 |
积极探索发挥哈吉模范作用的新途径 |
海一岚 |
Searching the New Ways of Playing Exemplary Roles by Hajj |
穆民生活广角 |
29 |
上海穆斯林心中的世博会 |
金宏伟 |
World Expo |
32 |
游历埃及杂想 |
马凤俊 |
Miscellaneous Thoughts on the Visit to Egypt |
34 |
放慢你追逐私欲的脚步 —河北省伊协副秘书长马占峰素描 |
牛唐文 |
Slow Down your Steps to Pursue Lust-A Portrait of Ma Zhanfeng, vice secretary-general of Hebei Islamic Association |
人物事迹写真 |
36 |
回而兼儒 贯通一家—中国经堂教育 开创者胡登洲之求学经历研究 |
罗彦慧 |
A Hui Confucian Scholar: Study on the Education Background of Hu Dengzhou, the Founder of China's Mosque Education |
40 |
言行见精神 书法显文采 — |
单守庆 |
Sublime Spirit Sparkling in the Words and Deeds and the Talent Displayed in Calligraphy: Mr. Li Wencai and His Arabic Calligraphy |
42 |
他是一位值得人们尊敬和怀念的乡老 |
张景尘 李廷禄 |
A Muslim Elder Worth Esteeming and Remembering |
清真名寺巡礼 |
44 |
五大宗教和谐乐章 天籁之音远播四方 —“中国-新加坡2009宗教文化展”有感 |
张广林 |
The Harmonious Symphony of the Five Religions Spreads the Sounds of Nature Far Away: Thoughts on the China-Singapore Religious and Cultural Exhibition 200 |
书评书讯点击 |
50 |
笔耕硕果 心路历程 —《伊斯兰教与中国回族穆斯林社会》序 |
余振贵 |
Rich Fruit of the Writing and Journey of the Heart: Preface of Islam and China Hui Society |
52 |
信仰境界与翻译实践 —有感于《穆斯林圣训实录》汉译本问世 |
仁 泽 |
Realm of the Belief and Translation Practice: Thoughts on the Publication of the Chinese Version of Sahih Muslim |
55 |
推进伊斯兰教育发展的成功实践—全国伊斯兰教 经学院统编教材出版11部(13册) |
本刊讯 |
The Successful Practice of Promoting Islamic Education:11 State-compiled Textbooks (13 volumes) for the Islamic Institutes throughout China Published |
61 |
为您提供伊斯兰教系列精品图书 |
本刊讯 |
Boutique Islamic Series of Books to be Provided |
民族经济纵横 |
56 |
生产道德 销售人品—话说秦皇岛正大清真 企业的发展之路 |
孟凡林 |
Producing Morality and Selling Character: A Narration of the Development of Qinhuang Zhengda Halal Enterprise |
伊苑绿地撷英 |
59 |
让我们为信仰人生而虔诚地奔走 —从两山之间的奔跑想到的 |
穆卫宾 |
For the Belief's Sake, Let's Walk Piously: Thoughts on the Walk between Safa and Marwa Mounts |
62 |
国际伊斯兰动态 |
Trends of International Islam |